Hey there quilters!! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful week of any necessary catch up and are ready to start getting these rows together. This week should be fairly light in terms of work load as the rows come together pretty quickly. So we’ll just ease back into things and this also allows time if you still need just a few more catch up moments to actually complete all your blocks.
This week we’ll simply be sewing together the blocks across each row. For some of you this will be a very quick task; crib size quilters, I’m talking to you….. but for others, this will take a bit more time. For those of you who have made scrappy blocks, you’ll likely want to spend some time considering layout. This is an important step and for me, one of the most fun. Put them on the floor or your design wall and move them around as much as you need to in order to find the winning layout. I like to take photos of each layout and then look back as I often see different things when I view the photos and because I don’t want to forget the order I had them in.
The number one thing to keep in mind is matching those points and seams as much as possible. No matter how accurately I cut and regardless of my near perfect 1/4″ seam (wink), I inevitably have blocks that don’t match up perfectly- it’s a thing! And it’s okay!
For me personally, I prefer to focus on matching the diamond points over the seams because for some reason those being off just bugs me more.
But personal preference….. generally speaking they should actually match up most of the time just fine. I sometimes have to do a bit of “scooching” and I don’t skimp on the pins!! So I start by carefully aligning the center point of the diamond in a square blocks and placing my pins there.
I then work out to either side and match the open seams, just as I did when putting my block rows together last week. Again, pin together catching the open seam on the top and bottom. After sewing my rows together, I give each of my new seams a good press open and flat.

Journey Home Quilt Row- Blooming Poppies
Can’t wait to see your finished rows this week. Take your time and enjoy the process!
Let’s Talk Prizes!!
This week’s lucky prize winner will receive free edge to edge quilting from Jill at J.Coterie Quilting* (see my sample above)!! That’s right friends, Jill is generously donating her amazing quilting services to one lucky Journey Home quilter who posts their progress shot/s this week! Good luck! *batting and shipping not included