Hello my friends. It's week 3 of the Harken QAL and this week, we SEW! Yay!
We'll start with sashing strips. Not all that exciting but great to do ahead of time so when it's time to assemble your blocks and rows, they are ready to go. I have completed *most* of my strips for the Classic and Scrappy versions in order to share some example photos here.
Please note that the pattern does not call to do this step first, I am going out of order. The instructions for this step are on page 9 of the pattern. So go ahead and skip to page 9 and let's get started.
So there are two types of sashing units as I've laid it out in the pattern.
A sashing strips (A strips) - These will be for the horizontal strip that is in the center of each block AND for the vertical strips that are in between each block.
B sashing strips (B strips) - These will be for the long horizontal strips that go between the rows.
For the lap size that we are making you'll need to create 28 A strips. You'll need 3 long B strips. These strips are the same whether you're making the classic or scrappy version.
This step doesn't need too much explanation. The instructions have laid it out and should make the steps easy. As always, if you have questions you can go to the private FB group, comment below, or email me directly.
One thing to keep in mind here to make the process a bit more streamlined is CHAIN PIECING! I did not use the CP symbol on this page. Should I go back and include it? This is a great place to utilize the wonders of chain piecing.
Sometimes known as batch sewing, chain piecing is great for saving thread and time. It also helps maintain more consistent seams and just allows for a nice rhythm that can be very relaxing.
Once your strips are complete, set them aside and you are finished for the week. Simple. The remaining, unused strips will be used for assembling your blocks. I know many of you will get through this step quickly, others may need all week. If you would like to move forward to the next step of creating your 4 patch units, that would be fine. Next week will be a big one as the four patch units can take a bit of time.
This week's progress post or reel could be of your completed strips or your sewing process. It can be a photo, reel or video. I look forward to seeing how you're all doing and I'm right here cheering you on.

This week's prize is from Stitched by Alexis. She will be generously offering $100 off coupon for edge to edge quilting services! Great to start thinking about how you'll finish off your Harken Quilt. Please post by Tuesday. Winner announced on Wednesday!
Have a great week my friends!